Career Profile
Skilled QA Engineer and Software Developer with 9+ years of broad experience in API, Web and Mobile Test Automation and Web Back-End Development, with a willingness to learn and master Front-End Development and DevOps. Test-Driven Development and Test Piramid adept.
Helping Android and iOS mobile apps to reach 4.5 and 4.6 stars1 respectively, improving user experience by preventing bugs in production with automated and manual testing.
Developing Android and iOS multiplatform mobile and microservices API test automation with coverage based on the test piramid aproach, freeing up squad time for shif left testing practices.
1 out of 5 stars, on 19/09/2023.
Technology Stack:
- Kotlin
- Java
- JUnit 5
- Python
- pytest
- Android Studio
- Xcode
- Appium
- BrowserStack
- MongoDB
- Docker
- Postman
Helping in improving population health through technology and innovation by designing and developing the new TeleOftalmo (teleophthalmology) platform.
Technology Stack:
- Python
- Django
- Django REST Framework
- Graphene (GraphQL)
- PostgreSQL
- Redis
- Docker
Helping to improve Order Management System (OMS) quality by designing and developing microservices API test automation.
Technology Stack:
- Java
- Gradle
- JUnit
- REST Assured
- Hamcrest
- MongoDB
- Gatling
- Scala
- Postman
Helping improving Telessaúde Platform code base quality and maintainability by updating deprecated technology stacks.
Technology Stack:
- Python 3
- Python 2
- Django 2
- Django 1
- Django REST Framework
- Graphene (GraphQL)
- PostgreSQL
- Redis
- Docker
Helping improving SAP Data Hub (Big Data Platform) quality by executing automated tests and performing manual tests.
Technology Stack:
- Bash
- Node.js
- Kubernetes
- Microsoft Azure
- Google Cloud Platform
- SAP Data Hub (Big Data Platform)
Helping improving Manufacturing Execution System (MES) quality by developing UI automated tests and performing manual tests.
Spread the culture of Unit Tests, Test-Driven Development and the Test Piramid automation aproach.
Technology Stack:
- Python
- Selenium
- MongoDB
- SQL Server
- Transact-SQL
Helping industies manage their manufacturing process by developing customized Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES).
Allowing industries to improve their production effectiveness by developing reports with key performance indicators.
Technology Stack:
- Transact-SQL
- SQL Server
- JavaScript
Helping start project for recovering lost printed circuit boards documentation by developing image processing and recognition software for reverse engineering.
Technology Stack:
- Python
- C++
- OpenCV
Helping Production Planning and Control by developing auxiliary system for production report control and visual dashboards for daily production tracking.
Helping improve internal backoffice efficiency by automating manual procesess.
Technology Stack:
- Microsoft Office